Sunday, December 16, 2012

I Have A Dream

            A dream is a wish your heart makes when you’re fast asleep. Ok no, I’m not about to quote the song from Cinderella but having a dream is quite important in your life. If you don’t have a dream, you have nothing to live for, your life is meaningless, and you can leave now.
            We all have a dream. Even Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream. Pun intended. The characters within A Raisin in the Sun fight for their dreams.
Mama wants to buy the house with the money she receives in the mail. Even though her son, Walter, wants it for himself, selfishly, for the liquor stores, Mama holds out for the better of the family. She wants a better life for her family, to get the house.
Beneatha’s dream is to become a doctor, even in an era where women were supposed to be the stay-at-home mom, to cook, clean, take care of the kids while the men were out bringing in the dough, she still maintained her dream to become a doctor. Everyone in the family doubted her, except for Mama because she wanted to put aside money for her education.
Walter’s dream is, well, not a great dream in my eyes. To own liquor stores is not what I would call the American dream. But his intentions were in the right place. He wants to be able to support his family and not have to rely on Mama. He is prideful just like every other man so his intentions are clear but his actual dream is not the right place to start.
Dreams are what keep a person going. It’s their hope, it’s their passion, it’s what makes the world go ‘round. Go out on a limb and just dream.

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