Sunday, December 9, 2012

Beautiful Soul

     We as human beings have the right to either stand up for what we believe in or just follow the crowd. Now that choice is all up to you. You can be person walking on the wrong side of the hallway to set an example or just go with the flow.
     On Friday, I read the poem “If We Must Die”. This poem was basically about how if you’re going to stand up for something, fight back and don’t give in. The vocabulary the writer used was very vulgar and distasteful which made the poem that much more interesting to read. It showed no mercy in its imagery for the white people being represented as mad, hungry dogs but also cowardly, while the African American were represented as hogs.
     When I was reading this poem it reminded me a lot of how Native Americans were treated when the white settlers came to America. We pushed and pushed to “Americanize” them, but, to be honest, what does that even mean. There is no set definition to the word American and what the “perfect” American is. That’s what makes this country so great today compared to all the other countries of the world. We are different but we accept each other as human beings.  
     Strive to be different. Take the crowd head on. Don’t give in to what’s the norm. Make a statement. Be unique. Be you.


  1. I LOVE this Nat! there is definitely no "perfect," or correct definition of it, and society has to stop going by those guidelines! Great points in your post, way to go! :)

  2. I like how you wrote about the poem we read! I also really like your concluding paragraph, it is very motivational. :)
