Sunday, December 2, 2012

Country Bumpkins

Have you ever thought about what other countries think about the United States? The thought came across my mind when I was reading Reading Lolita in Tehran. Mr. Nyazi’s perspective of America was very harsh. It was very black and white. No shades of gray. He accused us of rape on their culture. Now to use such a word like rape I would say is pretty harsh. That word is never taken lightly. So to accuse the United States of such an act is a huge side to take on the matter.
Now my side is neither the side of The Great Gatsby nor Mr. Nyazi’s interpretation. I take the side of America has influenced many countries but America has never said you have to be the United States of America through and through.
Have you seen America! We are a flipping melting pot of every culture, religion, race, and ethnicity you could possibly think of! We don’t reject people of their rights just because they celebrate different holidays than us. They’re American, we embrace them. If anything we stole culture and various other things from every other country in the world. We are united as one but different in every possible way. We embrace the uniqueness.
Now back to the question of what other countries thought of us. I always thought that everyone saw Americans as country bumpkins. But now that you really think about it, we are the leader of Western civilization. We strive for bigger and better things.

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