Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sad Beautiful Tragic

                Hester is portrayed as a strong woman. She can also be classified as a not so strong character. She has been mocked by her peers and society and has to live with that burden for the rest of her life. She picks herself up from the ground and brushes herself off and moves on with her life. However, the townspeople disagree. The children of the townspeople even feel that she shouldn’t ever forget her sin. They play tricks on Hester and Pearl and throw mud at them even when Hester is trying to redeem herself as an individual. However, she is reminded everyday for her fault with the bright red “A” on her chest.
                Her counter character, Dimmesdale is having some health problems. It becomes evident that his heart hurts him when he starts to clutch at his chest. This is funny because Hester has the red “A” on her chest right where Dimmesdale seems to be hurting. This also shows that the red “A” can also be shown as an emotional pain on Hester when that is all she is recognized for and Dimmesdale is experiencing physical pain in his heart right where Hester has her red “A”. They have become bonded by a fault physical and emotional to both Hester and Dimmesdale.

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