Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Climb

            Death is a funny thing. It’s fascinating yet dark at the same time. It draws you in with the mystery of what is after; however, the unknown creates a hesitance.
Woolf explores the negativity and darkness of death in The Death of the Moth. She had been struggling with depression throughout her adult life and committed suicide to end her life.
In the piece she writes in the perspective of a human observing the struggle of a moth. It has to put so much work and effort in to survive yet it dies. She watches as the struggle ends and comes to a conclusion, “Death is stronger than I am”.
Life. It can be a gift or a burden. If you look at it from a positive perspective, it is to be cherished because every waking moment is a time to, well, live. I know it’s a cliché but live life to the fullest. You never know when you’re going to die so live as if you’ll die tomorrow but dream as if you’ll live forever.
The burden of life is the struggle. That feeling when it feels like nothing is going your way and it just feels like the end. But it’s not. Like Miley Cyrus says, “There's always gonna be another mountain/I'm always gonna wanna make it move/Always gonna be an uphill battle/Sometimes I’m gonna have to lose". Basically, you have to keep moving forward. It's not always about the destination but about the journey.
Be positive. Be the light.

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